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Banner of U_CAN "Ukraine towards carbon neutrality" project

Project Overview

U_CAN vision

U_CAN aims to bridge knowledge and expertise gaps in Ukrainian cities to help them achieve climate neutrality by 2050. This involves strategic cooperation between EU expert partners and Ukrainian stakeholders to develop comprehensive green strategies and enhance local capacities.

Key Measures

U_CAN provides five key measures to catalyse Ukraine's transition towards climate neutrality:

Identify Climate Challenges and Key Sectors

Outline specific climate challenges and key sectors for mitigation in Ukraine. Compose a roster of EU expert partners to support technical capacity building in selected Ukrainian cities.

Develop Guidelines and Tools

EU technical experts co-develop relevant standards, guidelines, frameworks, tools, and technologies with Ukrainian counterparts. Focus on building capacities for climate mitigation efforts.

Knowledge Dissemination and Replication

Promote knowledge dissemination and replication of successful initiatives. Enhance Ukraine's development standards, especially in reconstruction and green infrastructure, aligning with EU climate goals.

Twinning with CNSC Mission Cities

Partner Ukrainian cities with CNSC Mission cities for direct insights and experience in becoming a CNSC Mission city. Facilitate exchange of best practices and build long-term partnerships.

Implement Local Pilot Initiatives

Initiate local pilot use cases in Ukraine to demonstrate the feasibility of small-scale climate-mitigating activities. Showcase best practices for replication in other Ukrainian cities.


Long-term Ukrainian City matches for Climate initiatives

Green Buildings
A core group of stakeholders will work closely with the city administration in a minimum of eight Ukrainian cities in the U_CAN Consortium. These cities' dedication to commit to climate neutrality and align with EU climate objectives will serve as a pivotal step in establishing a solid foundation for meaningful participation in the Mission Cities.
Coordinator Contact Details

Technische Universitaet Dresden,

WISSENSARCHITEKTUR - Laboratory of Knowledge Architecture

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Banner of EU Missions "Climate-neutral smart cities"

Ukraine Towards Carbon Neutrality

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