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Privacy Policy

The protection of personal data is important to us. Then and in compliance with the provisions of the current European legislation on the protection of personal data, which regulates the right of information in the collection and processing of personal data. We inform you about the processing of personal data that the participating companies perform, within the U_CAN Project. In the event that further processing of personal data takes place in the future, Project will inform you about this.

Contact details

If you have any questions about data protection or about the processing of your personal data by Project, you can send an email to

Controller of the processing of personal data

The following project is controller for the processing of your personal data: U_CAN Project.

Who is this Privacy Statement applicable to?

This Privacy Statement applies to all persons whose U_CAN processes personal data, with the exception of persons working at U_CAN Personal data are all data that contains information about persons with which those persons are identifiable.

This Privacy Statement applies to:

  • visitors to the website of U_CAN project;

  • recipients of newsletters and commercial e-mails from U_CAN project.

Which personal data do we process?

U_CAN project respects your personal data and ensures that the personal information provided to us or otherwise obtained is treated confidentially. Personal data is all information about a person. Data that indirectly says something about someone is also personal data.

By processing personal data, we mean: collecting, recording, organising, storing, updating, modifying, retrieving, consulting, using, providing by means of forwarding, distribution or any other form of posting, bringing together, linking together, and to protect, erase or destroy your personal data.

We process personal data that you have provided to us, personal data generated during your visit to our website and reading newsletters.

Personal information provided by you:

  • contact details and other personal data necessary for the handling of your assignment by a consultant;

  • contact details and other personal data entered on contact forms or other web forms;

  • contact information provided during introductory talks, events, seminars, etc., such as information on business cards.

We collect various types of personal data:

  • personal data that you provide us with via web forms: for example, your name, email address and telephone number when you use our contact form;

  • personal data that we obtain as a result of you using the websites;

  • ​log file information we keep the in server logs;

  • IP address;

  • browser information.

  • the external web page from which you visited us;

  • the pages that you have visited on our websites;

  • the time at which the pages were visited and how long they were visited for;

  • device details: we can keep track of which device you use to visit our websites;

  • cookies: we use cookies to identify our visitors and we need to do so in order to obtain visitor statistics. For more   information regarding cookies, please refer to our cookie policy;

  • media: If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included. Visitors to the website can download and extract any location data from images on the website;

  • embedded content from other websites: Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g., videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracing your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.

What are we using your personal data for?

We use the personal data that we collect in order to provide the correct service and to maintain, protect and improve it. Your personal data are only retained for as long as this is required to fulfil the objective for which we have collected these. When your personal data is no longer needed, we will remove it.

We can use your personal data to inform you and communicate with you:

  • primarily to give feedback when you have submitted a question via the contact form;

  • when issuing our newsletters and magazines if you have subscribed to these.

We analyze the following data:

  • interaction data: Personal data obtained from contact between Project and you. For example, about your use of our website or supported applications. This also applies to offline interactions, such as how often and when there is contact between Project and you;

  • behavioral data: Personal data that Project processes about your behavior, such as your preferences, opinions, wishes and needs. We can derive this data from your surfing behavior on our website, reading our newsletters or because you have requested information. But also, through contact, incoming telephone calls and e-mail contact with our employees. Information obtained through tracking cookies, we collect and use only with your permission, which you can always withdraw.
    See our cookie statement here;

  • performing and analysing research into client satisfaction.
    Sometimes we ask clients to cooperate in a client satisfaction survey. This is done through an online questionnaire. Participation in this is voluntary. Prior to each client satisfaction survey you will receive further information about the working method and the way we deal with the information obtained;

  • improving and securing our website;

  • creating user statistics.
    The user statistics of the website enable us to get a picture of the number of visitors, the duration of the visit, which parts of the website are being viewed and the click-behavior. It concerns generic reports, without information about individuals. We use the information obtained to improve the website.

Security level

We protect personal data, taking into account the state of the art, using appropriate technical and administrative security measures to minimize the risk of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure and modification. You can think of security software such as a virus scanner and firewalls, a secure internet connection, encryption of data and physical and administrative access controls to data and servers.

Storage of personal data

We do not store your personal data for longer than is strictly necessary for the execution of the purposes. If legal regulations apply to the storage, the personal data will not be kept longer than prescribed by law.

Legal basis of the processing

The processing that the Project perform on your personal data, are legitimated by the execution of the contract in which the interested party is party or for the application on request of pre-contractual measures. However, for certain processing activities, your consent is required, in which case you will be expressly requested.  Finally, certain treatments are carried out to comply with certain legal obligations.

Share personal data with third parties

We protect personal data, taking into account the state of the art, using appropriate technical and administrative security measures to minimize the risk of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure and modification. You can think of security software such as a virus scanner and firewalls, a secure internet connection, encryption of data and physical and administrative access controls to data and servers.

In certain cases, personal data will be provided to third parties in the following cases:

  • When processing a file, it may be necessary to share your personal data with third parties;

  • If a court decision obliges us to provide personal data to third parties, we will have to comply with this.

Your personal data will not be shared with third parties for commercial purposes. There is one exception to this. Sometimes we organise a joint activity with another organization, such as an event or seminar. In that case, only the necessary contact details are exchanged.

Privacy rights of data subjects

In accordance with current legislation, you may have the following rights:

  • Right of access to the information we hold about your personal data.

  • Right of rectification of your data, by which we will update and update the information and data we have according to the information you provide us.

  • Right to the portability of your data.

  • Right to the deletion of your data.

  • Right to object to our processing your personal data.

  • Right to file a complaint with the U_CAN project and/or the competent Data Protection Control Authority.

At any time, you can ask us, completely free of charge, either by letter or by e-mail, to exercise your rights, and if so, you must include in your application a photocopy of your National Identity Document/Passport, as this is a very personal right. If you have an account on this site, or have left comments, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

Your request should be sent to us at the following address


If you have complaints about how we handle your personal data, you can contact us by sending an email to We are happy to help you with finding a solution within a period of thirty days after receiving your request.


Developments are fast and as a result, there may also be some changes in the personal data we request from you and the way in which we use your personal data. Regulations can also change. In that case, we will adjust this Privacy Statement. We therefore invite you to regularly check the Privacy Statement so that you are kept informed. In the event of major changes, we will also make you aware of this via our website.

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